1. Write a blog that argues whether it is better to be lucky, or to be smart. Be sure to back up your opinion with reasons and examples.
In my opinion it is better to be smart than to be lucky. If you’re smart you wouldn’t have to be lucky. You would never get yourself into situations where you needed your luck. For example somebody drives up on a kid and asks him if he wants candy. The kid goes up to him and actually gets candy and there is nothing wrong with it. This is luck. The kid wouldn’t have to worry about this if he was smart. If he was smart he would not have went up to the man and got the candy.
Luck has its upsides though. Say you forgot to do your homework, if you were smart you wouldn’t have forgotten to do it. But if you’re lucky maybe the teacher is sick and will take it up tomorrow. Luck can help you in situations that if you were smart you wouldn’t need help. Another upside is like if you are trying to find something you luck out and find it. But also if you were smart you wouldn’t have lost it. Unless we’re talking about the book and how he lucks out and finds a good ship. In that situation it is luck that is better.
Luck and smarts are kind of equal to each other. As an example let’s say you’re a police officer and you’re in some sort of shootout, if you have smarts you will be able to use that to your advantage and survive. This is the same with luck. In this situation you could either land your shots and save yourself with both. Let’s say that you get shot, smarts can only help you to a certain extent in this situation. You’re luck could very well save your life. Maybe your luck makes the bullet not hit something very important. Your smarts cannot stop a bullet from hurting you but your luck can. This is one situation where luck is the better thing to have. There are many benefits of being lucky and of having smarts. It would probably be best to have a combination of the two.
Really it all depends on what the situation is where either of these are needed. Luck can help you when smarts can’t and vice-versa.