3. In life, it often seems like certain people get all the breaks, while others never have any luck (except bad luck). Discuss what you see in terms of "the way privilege and preference work in the world."
In life many people get the easy way out. They get all the shortcuts while other have to take the scenic route. For example, people who are born into wealthy families often have many advantages of those who are born into families experiencing poverty. Some rich children will never have to work a day in their life but will still be rich. While poor children will have to work their entire lives. Rich children are able to pay tuition and attend college. While poor children will have to work for tuition or get student loans and have crippling debt for the rest of their lives. This is one of the many privileges in the world.
Another privilege is race, and religion, or even gender. In the Middle East women are given less rights and are basically objects for men. They are not allowed to get an education. Sometimes they are forced to cover themselves up and other times they do it to follow their religion, and they voluntarily do it. The women are beaten in many cases and are not treated as equals. Even in the U.S. They have less rights. They are paid less than men in many cases. They work just as much and maybe even more than men but still get paid less. This is one of the gender privileges in today’s society.
All through history and everywhere in the world people are persecuted for their beliefs. Especially religious beliefs. There are intolerant people all over the world. In the Middle East there is conflict against the Muslims and Jewish people. They argue over where they both can and cannot pray. They hate each other. They have gone as far as to riot and kill people of the other religion. It is a very violent long term altercation. In America recently there have been people rallying against people who believe in the Islamic faith. They protest Islam at Mosques and wear shirts insulting islam.I believe that in America people of the Christian faith have more privilege than people who believe in other things such as Islam. Christians get away with more things due to the fact that Christianity is the main religion in America. For example Kim Davis. She denied a couple a marriage license due to the fact that it was against her religious beliefs. This was part of her job as a government employee. I just feel like if she was a Muslim person and this happened to a Christian couple there would have been more jail time, and more of an outrage from the American people.
In America there is the privilege of race. People in America are discriminated against. One of the biggest people discriminated against are African American people and Mexican people. Many people are turned down for jobs because of their skin color. Sometimes there will be a highly sophisticated African American or Mexican person who is qualified or maybe even overqualified will be denied the position due to the color of their skin. Then maybe a white person will come to the job and have the same qualifications and be accepted. This is very wrong. All discrimination is wrong. These privileges are part of everyday society and should not be. It is sad but it is the truth. Bigotry and ignorance is becoming overwhelming.
Very powerful and true Parker! I loved the numerous examples you provided to back up your points. Grade: 100%