1. Write a blog post that answers the following question: Which "Utopian" world should be more feared; one in which government's control is so oppressive that people have no choice for themselves, or one in which people are so falsely happy that they do NOT realize the oppression of their government's control? Be sure to explain your answer with specific examples.
If I had to choose which of these societies should be more feared I would choose the society that didn’t know they were oppressed because they were so brainwashed. This is because they are completely oblivious to the fact that the way they’re living isn’t good. They have no knowledge of the bad things that are happening to them like in Anthem. I believe this is more dangerous. The people are not able to rebel. They don’t want to rebel, and they most likely never will. In the event that they do there will not be many people. They believe they’re living the good life. But in reality they’re oppressed and deprived of their freedom.
If the situation was like in 1984 it would be better. Some people are aware that they’re oppressed. If this is the case then they have the opportunity to rebel. They are at least able to. Maybe it won’t succeed but they could try.
Another point is that the people that are so oppressed they have no choice for themselves are very afraid. You would think they would be the ones who would rebel because they have the knowledge that they are oppressed in reality they probably wouldn’t. You would have to have a very strong government/country to make every person pretty much bow down to you. So if you think that if you were part of this society and you would rebel I doubt you would. I feel like if I was in that position I probably wouldn’t. I feel as if I would sit aside and live my life like everyone else. This is because the government scares you into submission. They make it so that you are afraid to rebel because you know there will be a punishment. So you will just stay under the control of the government. You might even be so scared that you would sell out your own family/friends if they had plans of rebelling because you were afraid that they would get you in trouble. Maybe you would try to convince them to just live life as it is and try to make them think life isn’t that bad.
But in the end the society that would be worse in my opinion is the society that is hypnotized.
Good arguments. Some of what you said is out of order or slightly contradictory, but I am glad you connected to two of the texts that we read. Grade: 45/50